Saturday, 12 February 2011

Lee Gibson Training: A Fun Course Plan

A good exercise with any course plan is to look at it on paper and see how you think you would run it in real life.

This course is certainly not for beginner dogs, but the theories we practice remain the same. Where would you put a rear cross, or a front cross and why? Do you use a false turn to avoide the wrong end of the tunnel or run like blooming henry and put in a front cross?

All things to think about before even attempting to run even a section of the course.

If you are confident with the plan you will feed this on to your dog, remember set an exercise up to succeed. This will boost the confidence of you and your dog.

Lee Gibson Training: A Fun Course Plan: "This is a plan of the course I was using this week for my lessons. Some key tests/points: Send on to the tyre Wrong end tunnel Discriminat..."

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