Saturday, 1 March 2014

Show season commences

Looking forward to our first show of the agility season tomorrow. For lots of our fun dog folk it's their first ever show so lots of nerves! We're all going to give our dogs a great positive ring experience as you can enter nfc and reward your dog on the way round the ring. Fingers crossed we stay dry and everyone has fun!

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Play workshop

Looking forward immensely to our play workshop this coming Saturday. We are running through lots in the 2 hour session so will need everyone ready to start at 10 please!

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Another Super Sunday

Every week you guys are great.

Fab front crosses, wicked weaving and sizzling see-saws.

AND daisy can weave!


Thursday, 7 November 2013

Spirit of Agility

A note to say a massive thank you to Southdowns for my 'Spirit of Agility' award. Much appreciated, thank you :-)

Sunday, 3 November 2013

Blind crosses on a Sunday

Lovely start to the new six weeks. Continued work with the lovely 6pm class, including newbie collie Jessie. Then work on blind crosses with the big boys in 7 & 8pm classes. Fab work by all. Newbie Ollie in 7pm did fabulously on his first week with us. Keeping our fingers crossed no horrid fireworks next week (or indeed from now on) for any worried FDA pups. xx